Project Description

Our project is structured around several areas of intervention:

Training and capacity building; training sessions will be organized to teach women techniques for processing and preserving agricultural products, such as drying, canning, and making jams and juices. The aim is to enable them to make greater use of the resources available in their environment.

Equipment support; The project will provide beneficiaries with suitable equipment (ovens, dryers, gas, packaging equipment, etc.) to facilitate the processing and marketing of their products. This helps improve working conditions and increase productivity.

Market access: Links will be established with local and regional distribution networks to facilitate the sale of processed products. Promotional and marketing actions will also be carried out to promote the flow of products.

Entrepreneurship support: Monitoring and supervision will be provided to help women develop their activities sustainably, manage their businesses effectively and access the necessary financing. Beyond the economic aspect, this project aims to restore confidence in displaced women, strengthen their autonomy and promote their social integration into their new host community.

Project to support internally displaced women through the processing of local products

Kabala, Kati Circle, Koulikoro, Mali
AGR Sector: Agriculture

by Adama Porzie SANOGO

  • 11.430 

    Funding Goal
  • 750 

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is € Maximum amount is € Put a valid number

1er Palier : 3 810 Euros

The funds collected will be used to pay for the processing equipment (large format gas dryer, JUFRO juice production devices, citrus press, MX 9T Mixer, plastic roller, buckets with lid, sieve and bathtub.

Palier 2: 3 200 Euros de plus

will be used to finance training for women in processing, packaging and marketing techniques for these processed products, in business management, in community life, to set up processing units managed by displaced women in Kabala, to facilitate access for processed products to local and regional markets.
Thus, this second level of funding aims to develop the capacities of transformation and valorization of local products by displaced women, in order to improve their income and living conditions. The rest of the fund will allow to create online sales accounts (Facebook, Instagram) and create a WhatsApp site in order to chat with each other and market their products.

Palier 3: 4 420 Euros de plus

will be used to pay for a shed at the market, set up at least two tables and two chairs and the rest of the fund will be used by women to go on the local radio for a marketing series, the salary of the presenter responsible for supervising internally displaced women in Kabala, the periodic monitoring of activities by the management of SIA and will also be used to make the final evaluation of the project.

Campaign Story

We were able to train 50 internally displaced women in local product processing techniques such as drying mangoes, making jams and fruit juices. These trainings allowed them to acquire new skills.
We equipped a community workshop with processing equipment (solar dryers, pots, kitchen utensils, etc.). This made the women's work easier and allowed them to increase their production.
We have organized awareness sessions on hygiene and sanitation in food processing. This has helped improve the quality of processed products.
We helped women connect with local markets to sell their processed products. This helped increase their income.
Thanks to these various actions, internally displaced women have been able to develop sustainable economic activity, generate stable income and thus improve their living conditions. We are continuing our efforts to support them further.

Mali has been facing a major humanitarian crisis since 2012 following political and security instability in the north of the country. This has led to the displacement of many populations, particularly in the District of Bamako and neighboring municipalities. The municipality of Kalaban-coro thus welcomes many internally displaced persons, including a significant proportion of women and children.
In this context, the needs of internally displaced persons, especially in Kabala, in terms of employment, income and empowerment are acute. Displaced women are particularly vulnerable, often having to provide for their families alone. They have few means to generate income and face many difficulties in integrating economically.
It is in this context that the NGO Solidarité Internationale pour l'Afrique (SIA) decided to set up a project aimed at supporting the economic empowerment of internally displaced women from Kabala at their own request in the commune of Kalaban-coro through the transformation of local products. This project is part of the desire of SIA to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable populations in the face of the humanitarian crisis.

65 women displaced

The donations will be used to support local product processing activities by internally displaced women in the village of Kabala to enable women to process their local agricultural products such as cereals, fruits and vegetables more easily and on a larger scale. Training women in processing, packaging and marketing techniques for their processed products. This will enable them to improve the quality and added value of their products. Supporting the creation of small processing businesses managed by displaced women. This will give them the means to generate stable income to support themselves and their families. Developing storage and distribution infrastructure to facilitate the marketing of products processed by women. The overall objective is to strengthen the economic autonomy and resilience of internally displaced women in Kabala by promoting their traditional know-how in processing local products. This will help improve their living conditions and their social integration in the commune of Kalaban-coro.

Agricultural equipment and products